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Would you like to stand for election to the Flore Parish Council?


We hope very much that you will!

It’s an exciting time for Flore. The bypass is here and some traffic calming measures on the High Street have been implemented (the three chicanes) but there is much more to be done in that direction.   The Flore Neighbourhood Plan is due for updating and renewal by 2029, Flore is likely to be the subject of a number of planning applications both now and in the future, and of course the EDF Solar Farm is also on the horizon.

In addition to that, county and unitary authorities throughout the country are seeking to shift responsibility for things they have done in the past onto local Parish and Town Councils, and Flore is not immune to these changes either.

There will be an election held on Thursday the 1st May, 2025 both for the two unitary councils, North and West Northamptonshire, but also for all of the parish and town councils in the county.

Provided we in Flore can find more than 10 candidates to stand, a Flore Parish Council election will be needed for Flore Parish Council as well.  If there are 10 candidates or fewer then all of them will become members of the Parish Council provided they are suitable and qualified to stand.

With so much going on it’s really important that we have a full set of committed and involved parishioners as Parish Councillors for Flore.  Some of the existing councillors have already said that they will stand again, but it’s good for the whole democratic process if we can find more candidates than 10.   If we can then we will need a proper election on May 1st rather than just accepting the 10 (or fewer) who are willing to stand.

It is not a particularly demanding job. There are 10 regular monthly Parish Council meetings each year (the exceptions being August and December), one Annual Parish Meeting and occasionally there are also short ‘extraordinary’ meetings which usually deal with planning applications and the like. Parish Councillors are independent of any political party or affiliation, and “party politics” don’t feature in parish council work.

You don’t have to attend every meeting, of course. If you are away working, or on holiday or ill etc.,

In simple terms you need to be a British citizen, 18 years old or more on or before the 30th April, 2025, and a resident elector in the parish although there are a few other conditions which might apply to you.  You will also need a proposer and a seconder.

So why not have a go? Everything you need can be found by scanning the QR code shown above or by visiting –

If you would like to talk to someone from the Parish Council about applying then Geoff Fellows will be glad to hear from you.  07843-309902 or, or Kathryn Baines –

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